Rules of conduct lyceum students
1. Strive for knowledge. Persistent, creative master the basics of science, skills self, constantly work on themselves.
2. Keep, multiply the best traditions of the Lyceum, to be patriots of their institution. Active participation in social useful work, public life.
3. acquire the wealth of culture and art of his people, the peoples of the world. Strive to be highly cultured man.
4. Develop your abilities consciously relate to physical culture and sport, to their health.
5. Wear a uniform standard. Watch for their appearance, manners.
6. Respect the parents, teachers, their friends, worry about the sick and elderly, younger - a matter of honor of every high school pupils.
7. In relations "student-teacher", "student-student," "student-parents" to show respect and trust each other, to recognize the right of everyone to be a person.
8. To consider spaces lessons without good reason, smoking, damage to property Lyceum, rudeness, offense and other emergency cases gross violations of the Charter, which deals Lyceum teachers' meeting and the Council, where decisions on the further stay of the student in the high school. Any damage to property Lyceum fully compensated culprit.