Admission Regulations to the Lyceum
1. General Provisions
1.1. Rules developed in accordance with the Regulation on general education, the Charter and the Regulations on the procedure of bankruptcy reception children (students and pupils) to schools, colleges, specialized schools (boarding schools), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on June 19, 2003 . № 389 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 4, 2003 by № 547/7868) (hereinafter - Instructions).
1.2. Adoption of children to lyceum №38 named. VN Molchanov (hereinafter - institution) to 1's specialized classes with intensive English language on a competitive basis. Children accepted usually 6 years
1.3. In the competition (competition) children can participate regardless of residence.
1.4. Competition tests carried out free of charge.
2. Organization of competition
2.1. Rules competitive admission of children declared not later than two months before it begins. The announcement of the terms and conditions of the competition are placed in the premises of the institution, have online Lyceum.
2.2. No later than one month before the competition, on the premises of the institution notice board placed on the list which conducted the test.
2.3. The main competition for admission free space for 2-11 classes held in the last week of May and first week of June. For availability, additional competitive reception (August), which is organized so that the enrollment of children held no later than one week before the new school year.
2.4. Additional competitive admission may exceptionally occur during the school year subject to availability. This class sizes should not exceed 30 students.
2.5. For the competitive tests 1-x, 2-11 grade in school creates competition commission, the composition of which is approved by the director of the institution in consultation with the Council of the institution. One of the members of the Commission are a practical educational psychologist. Chairman of tender committee - director of the institution.
To test for 2-11 grade of general subjects for each subject creates substantive committee, consisting of members of the tender commission teaching. Ingredients subject commissions approved by the director of the institution.
2.6. To participate in the contest, the following documents:
• personal application of the child (for minors - a statement of parents or persons substituting them), served addressed to the director of the institution;
• report card student (except for children who enter the first grade);
• copy of birth certificate;
• the child's medical card standard pattern.
2.7. By the tender commission can submit copies of diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming the ability of the student and reflect its educational and / or creative achievement.
2.8. Not allowed to require the students the characteristics of previous studies, certificates of employment etc. Parents.
3. Competition
3.1. Competitive welcome children who enter the 1's specialized classes with intensive study of English, held on April 1 in the form of interviews with the child in the presence of parents or persons substituting them according to the schedule of competitive admission.
3.2. During the interview with the child who enters 1st grade, she offered to perform specific diagnostic task to verify the level of overall development, operational readiness systematic training and ability to study subjects according to the classes with intensive study of certain subjects.
Such problems develops Competition Commission on the basis of proposed centers of practical psychology and social work (psychological services), and approve the director of the institution in consultation with the Department of Education of the Shevchenko District in Kyiv state administration. Not allowed to test the knowledge and skills of the child in excess of the requirements of public education programs kindergarten.
3.3. The number of tender committee to interview a child who goes to class 1 may not exceed three, including practical psychologist.
The interview lasts about 30 minutes.
3.4. Competitive testing for children who come to the other classes of the institution, held on availability, usually in the main competition admission.
3.5. Competition tests for students who enter the free space for 5-7 classes, conducted by interview and English; for students who enter the free space for 8-9 classes - the interview and from the following subjects: mathematics or English (depending on the specialization class).
3.6. Competitive test for students who enter the first year of lyceum
(Corresponding to 10th grade high school), conducted the interview and from the following subjects: the Ukrainian language (in writing), mathematics (in writing) - for grade mathematical structure; Ukrainian language (in writing), English (orally) - for grade of Foreign Languages.
3.7. Links lyceum determines the number of competitive and subject commissions and types, shapes and the number of competitive trials (there should be no more than three subject interviews).
3.9. Tickets, text dictations, options written tasks (tests), the theme of creative work for competitive tests, the content of which must meet educational programs appropriate secondary school class competition commission developed an educational institution and approved by the director of the institution in consultation with the Department of Education in the Shevchenko district Kiev State Administration. Possible partial use of creative tasks.
3.8. Not allowed to use the same options for testing tasks occurring on different days.
3.9. The competition tasks are stored in the director of the institution. The challenge to members of the commission on the day of the test.
3.10. For the written test of the competition entrants issue paper with a stamp of the institution. It is assumed that the first page is divided from itself written work.
3.11. Before the oral test entrants issue paper with a stamp of the institution to prepare answers (abstract drawing or plan a response, recording basic definitions, diagrams, etc.).
3.12. The scope and duration of entrants writing written work, preparation for oral survey on tickets and other types of tests determines the chairman of the tender commission for each age group separately.
3.13. Writing of participants and sheets of records made entrants during preparation for oral answers are stored in the school during the year. Place of storage determines director of the institution.
3.14. Results of competitive tests (including interviews) issued in the form of protocols pedagogical commissions that are stored in the same order as the records state final certification of students.
3.15. The results of the oral test announce the same day as written - no later than three days after the vote. User arriving with exposed scores placed on notice board in the premises of the institution to the public.
3.16. Participants of international Olympiads, contests, sports competitions, winners and participants of the III-IV stage of Ukrainian students and participants of II and III stages of the competition-defense scientific research Junior Academy of Sciences of the year are exempt from the relevant competition test subject. In this case, the protocol student exhibited the maximum number of points.
3.16. Graduates of 9th graders who study the results obtained certificate of secondary education with honors admitted for interview.
3.16. Students, graduates 9th grade lyceum who have completed the school year and amounted to STA on a high and sufficient level, credited the Lyceum without competition for teachers' meeting decision and order of the Director.
Graduates of the 9th grade of the Lyceum, which amounted to estimates DPA average, credited the interview.
3.17. Children who were ill during the contest must submit a medical certificate for which they have the right to participate in competitive repeated trials. Dates of them determines director of the institution but not later than after the end of the main test.
3.18. Children who did not attend bankruptcy trial without good reason, the following tests are not allowed.
4. Procedure for admission
4.1. Children who were rated according to competition payable to the institution by order of the director based on the decision of educational commission. Enrollment of children made within 5 days after the announcement of the competition results.
4.2. Prior to the institution following documents: copy of birth certificate (passport), personal record, medical card (help) a standard form.
4.3. If students and their parents or persons substituting them, disagree with the decision of the tender committee, they can turn to the Chairman of the commission to appeal. An appeal filed within a week after the announcement of the competition results and is seen within three days of its submission. To create appeals Appeals Board size and composition of which are determined by the institution. Additional tests during the appeal forbidden.
4.4. If the findings of the Appeals Board did not meet the person who filed the appeal, the latter may apply to the Department of Education of the Shevchenko District in Kyiv state administration, which creates the appeal commission, whose decision is final.
4.5. Students who contest the results are not enrolled in school, continue their education in an institution where they studied to participate in the competition. Children who have not passed the competition for admission to 1st grade, come to the other schools.
4.6. Children who are enrolled in school, but not started classes without good reason within 10 days of their commencement, deducted from the institution. The remainder may be an additional competitive decision.
4.7. The student has the right to participate in competitive trials, conducting multiple secondary schools, but to transfer it to a designated educational institution entrant must provide the original certificate of education (and other documents) within 3 days after the end of the competition in this institution.
5. Control the conduct of the contest
5.1. The director of the institution is responsible for compliance with these Rules and Regulations.
5.2. Control for organizing the competition trim enrollment of children in school by its results relies on public administration education.
5.3. If the institution violates the requirements of these Regulations and Rules, the decision of the competition results void. In this case, the authority which took the decision, organizes and conducts repeated contest, the results of which are final.